Monday, September 1, 2014

Greatest and Hardest thing ever!

Hello family and friends! :) This week was super exciting and full of adventures! So to start it off. When I was serving down in Santa Barbara last year I met this family. They were really cool and they had a son who was going to BYU Hawaii. One dinner we had at their home their son was there! He was a surfer and really had no interest in going to church anymore and was fine with the way his life was going! That night I talked with him a lot. We kinda clicked because of my past life and what he was doing at the time! Anyway, Ryan (in the picture below) was baptized this past Saturday and some of his step dads family came. One of his step dads brothers was the dad from the family in Santa Barbara. He told me since that night I spoke with his son, something had changed in his son. He has cut his hair, cleaned up a bit and has been meeting with the bishop often and talking about going on a mission. It was the coolest thing ever! I was so happy to hear that I might have been the one to say something to help him want to live a more fulfilling life style! 

This Sunday at church Ryan had me confirm him a member of the church and give him the Holy Ghost. The spirit was so strong and I could feel the spirit guiding me to say what I needed to say! His whole family was there and was touched by the spirit that was in the building! 

I love this work and being missionary! It's has been the most greatest and the hardest thing I've ever done in my life! The Lord is moving his work forward and being able to be a instrument in his hands to deliver this message of the restoration to those here in Atascadero! I LOVE IT!!!

Hope everyone is doing great, I love and miss you all! Till next Monday! 

                 Love Elder Reynolds 

Elder Reynolds, Ryan, Joel, Elder Deem
BBQ after baptism!
P-day sports!

California and stop me!!!! :) HAHA

Monday, August 25, 2014

Field is white and ready to harvest :)

Crazy to think I only have a year left! I come home August 24th next year! I have been working my tail off everyday and I'm soooo tired! But it's times like these that the Lord repays us! 

I'll tell you the story of our investigator Ryan! He is friends with Joel in our ward who is leaving on his mission soon to Honduras. Ryan was interested in learning more about what Joel was going to be teaching! We met Ryan about 2 months ago and started to teach him. He felt the spirit very strong in the first 2 lessons and we felt prompted to invite him to be baptized. Since then we have met with him 2 to 3 times a week to get him ready! He is getting baptized this Saturday by Joel and he picked me to confirm him on Sunday! Ryan isn't just a normal kid. He is a star football player and wrestler and was king of his high school but never was prideful of it! He is such a great kid and being able to see the blessings of the gospel bless his life even more is a tender mercy of the Lord when I needed it the most! He says he has felt the change in his life since he has been reading the Book of Mormon and praying to know if it is true! He has even asked questions about serving a mission. 

My testimony is that I know that each person around us is on a different level of progression. At one point or another the things of the world will no longer fill us and we will go searching for something that will. I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is what fills us. His love for each one of us is more then we can ever understand. I know that through service and increasing our knowledge of Christ through the scriptures and prayer will strengthen us and hold us strong through the hard times that we go through. 

I love being a missionary and will continue to do the things I have learned for the rest of my life! I pray for each one of you, my family and friends every night! That you will find peace and happiness through the love that our Heavenly Father has for each one of us. I pray that you will seek out opportunities to comfort those that stand in need of comfort. Find someone who is having a hard time and do something for them! True happiness comes through seeing others around us happy! I love you all so much! 

Love Elder Reynolds.

Monday, July 28, 2014

I love the book of John

This week was super great! We spent a lot of time out on the streets this week! We found 8 new investigators this week and now have 3 people lined up for baptisms in September! We have 2 lessons planed for tonight. There is a family having us over for dinner and the son is having his non member girlfriend and the none member dad come too! Its going to be very cool!

I'm not feeling very good today so I'm tired of looking at this screen! I hope all is well and I love you all very much! Also I love the book of John! Thats one of my favorite reads! Mathew, Mark, Luke and John I read over and over again! 

Here is a scripture of the day! Jacob 2:18-19

Elder Willis is from Mesa! My AZ partner! :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it!"

I love this quote! "Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it!" I sure do love being a missionary though! Im sooooooooo happy for this time I have to dedicate 2 years, well only a year left, but all to the Lord and his work! It's the most fulfilling thing I've ever done! And I've made some really great friends! 

                                                   Love; Elder Reynolds

Monday, July 14, 2014

Luke 9:61-62

Looks like you're having the time of your life! :) I always tell people my dad is the coolest dad ever! Its so true! This week was super great! I was serving in the YSA ward this weekend with another missionary!  Everything is going well! I love being a missionary and setting apart these two years! I think its time step it up a little more now. 

Glad to hear everything is going well back home!  Stay safe and have fun! Hope to do the ride together after the mission! Only a year left next month! How crazy is that??? I will also send you my email to The new mission president, President Felix!  Love you all!!!

President Felix,

This week was a great week! First I'll talk about Elder Deem and the amazing missionary he is becoming! This week we really put a focus on talking to everyone, and we saw the blessings come from it! We had 23 declarations and taught 8 other lessons out on the street! We were making it a point to teach the Restoration to everyone that would hear us out! I'm so grateful for this opportunity we have to share the gospel with everyone around us! I have felt the spirit so strong this week. I know everything that we teach is true and that our message blesses and changes the lives of those who are willing to change as well! I was on a exchange with Elder Atkin this Saturday, and I am pleased to say I learned so much from him! One thing he reminded me of was how important it is to talk to people when we're not expected too! We were on a run at 6:30am Saturday morning and came across this lady on the corner of the street. We stopped and talked to her and she told us she had been praying and that is what guided us to her! We shared a card with her and talked about eternal families! Since then, today Elder Deem and I opened our mouths in Goodwill while trying to find some new/ pre-owned ties! We talked to this older lady and life here on earth and gods creations! Then invited her to visit! Its been great! I am doing super well and loving everyday like it was my last! I love this time I have to be a missionary and serve those around me! 

This is my scripture of the day! *Luke 9:61-62.. Thank you for the insight on Alma 17 today! That is all of our goals and I know it will happen!

I hope all is well! I miss you guys and love you so much! BUT!!! Dont think for one second I am not loving it out here! This is the best mission in the WORLD!!!

Monday, July 7, 2014

New Mission President

Everything is going super great here in Atascadero! Its been hot this past week! I had 3 ingrown toenails taken out this week and got to meet the new mission president! President Felix! He is super cool! Loves to hunt, hike, play golf, anything out doors he loves! We will get along just great! We are getting IPADS soon but not sure of a date! :) It will make things more simple! Elder Deem and I are doing great and are getting along very well! Its amazing the amount of love we gain for those that we are helping grow! Stay safe and keep me updated with pictures when you can! DONT hit a moose! 

Looks like Prescott! Pops tie! Gumbo night!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Hot feet!

Well I'm still here in Atascadero, Ca! I got a new companion fresh to the mission from North Dakota! His name is Elder Deem! This week was an amazing week! I'll give you a short run down! We have a teaching pool of about 9 people right now that are keeping their commitments and moving forward to baptism! 2 of those, Fred and Clarinda are both set for baptism on August 2nd! We have about another 10 or 15 other potential investigators right now also! Our ward has been very good at coming on lessons when we need them and they have also been keeping us fed very well! Its warming up here, in the 100s this week! By the end of the month and into August it should be in the teens! Its hot and you can feel the heat coming through your shoes after about 20 minutes of walking! Everything is going so well I wish I could just show you some of the wonderful things we see each day! :) 

Today is June 30th, One year ago today is when we lost our Hotshots. Keep there families in your prayers! I love you so much and I hope all is going well back home! Love your son, Elder Reynolds

Got the truck...Only two in the mission! :)
Painted by an investigator. It's me and Elder Davis! Sick...huh?!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

I've grown so much

It was great to hear all of you as well! It was great to hear of the changes that others are trying to make. Its going to be a bumpy road at first but I hope they keep it up! :) I feel like I have grown so much since I've been out here! But I know there is still a lot to go before I come home! 

You should send me a picture of the Gold Wing and the St1300 next to each other! :) Bikes make me smile! You know that!  Also I forgot to tell you that President Castro has a brother that lives in Prescott! So I gave him your number and address! So he might give you a call when hes in the area! The kids look so great! Hope they had fun on the little hike! Love you lots and thanks for all you do! 

Love Elder Reynolds

Elder Morwood is in the back! Then Elder Waite and me!
Another picture with Elder Santos. We had been doing some service.

Monday, June 9, 2014


So this past week was a crazy one! I was training a new missionary from Florida but just like I did to my first trainer. He decided that the mission was not his thing! I tried my best and did everything I could to try to help him! But that darn thing we call Agency was still being used! I would have taken it away if I could! :) So now I'm in a tri-pan! I have 2 companions and we are covering both Atascadero 1st and 2nd ward now until transfers on the 24th! I cant wait for transfers! :) HA.

Everything is still going super great! I wouldnt rather be anywhere else in the world than this place right now! The lessons and experiences I learn everyday are so undeniably essential to my progression as a son, brother, father, spouse, and even a friend! I love everything about everything! :) Even these hard and difficult times! I keep praying that everything goes smooth back home with the homes and with the family! I love you all so much! Thank you for the support you give me everyday I'm out here! 

I willl be calling sunday at 8pm! I cant wait to talk to you! Ill share a message with you all over the phone!

The day Elder Santos was going home. We were helping to lay block for a retaining wall.

Monday, June 2, 2014

D&C 130:20-21

Everything is going well here. "You can't adjust the wind, but you can adjust the sails!" Im training this transfer and my companion is great but things aren't always so easy! Im doing okay though! Im glad to hear President Castro had good things to say! Hes a wonderful man, a great leader, and one very special person! He's so great! I love him!!! 

That bike ride you were talking about! Made me kinda mad! HAHA just kidding! Sure sounds like fun though! I miss power! Guns and the water! But this Toyota Corolla will be just fine for the time I'm here!!! :) HA. 

I keep you all in my prayers everynight! I love you all so much! 

Lately I've been reading 3 Nephi Chapters 11-29.  I've been reading a chapter a day and studying the ministry of Jesus Christ to the Nephites! Asking myself before, how can these chapters help me develop a sure faith in Christ! Its been so Amazing! You should do it! 

Time to go though! I love you all so much! Keep your head up and always remember 

       D&C 130: 20-21
                       20 There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations
                            of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated--
                       21 And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that
                            law upon which it is predicated.

The Johnson's Home. They are a wonderful family!! We are planning a Lake Powell trip with them in a few years!! :)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Stand in Holy Places

Hello Family! Hope all is going great back home! Its been a warm week here in Atascadero! I got a great letter from Grandma Reynolds this week! She sent me Grandpas Patriarchal Blessing. It was so amazing to read that and try to put myself in his shoes! 

This week has been a great learning experience, being a trainer is hard work! I have to make sure I'm on top of my game all the time! We taught 23 lessons this week! We have one new investigator! Lots of other stuff happening too! Elder Santos is my companion and he is great! He is from Florida! I hope everything is going well and I hope you all are doing everything you can to feel the spirit! :) Stand in holy places and do good things! I love you all very much!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Training experience!

Glad to hear everyone is doing great! Im at a dentist office right now, haha my companion is getting work done! :) Today is transfers and Elder Thornell is out of here! I got a call from the assistance to the president last night and I will be training this transfer! My companion is flying in from the MTC today! I'm very excited for this opportunity I have to train! I know that it is going to be a great learning experience! Got to go! I love you all so much!

Monday, May 5, 2014

P-day Golfing!

Top of the day to you as well! :) I'm glad to hear you all had a great week! My week was great as well! Just got done doing a little golfing this morning! :) Deer were on the driving range! Yesterday "Sunday" was amazing! We had 4 investigators at church! 2 of them are getting baptized this saturday at 1pm. Elder Thornell is Baptizing Danny and I get to Baptize Arron! Its going to be so sweet! There mother and father are less active but we are trying our best to get them coming back to church! We also had Kelcy and Amanda there! They are dating and have 2 kids! They stayed all 3 hours and loved it! :) Transfers are coming up again on the 20th! It's so crazy how fast time flies! 

I got my basket! Thanks so much for all the treats! One of the bags of beef jerkey went to a homeless lady on the street! :) She was very thankful! I love you all so much! :) Thanks for all you do!!!! 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Eternal Families

Hey family! Hope all is well back home! Elder Stevens is now down in Glendale! I stay in touch with him!  This week has been great! We have 2 baptisms on the 10th of May! Two girls 12 and 14 in a less active family! They are coming back to church and getting the children baptized now! Im so happy for them and the blessings that will come to there family! I will be on an exchange with another elder tomorrow and again with another on Thursday. On may 7th we have president interviews with President Castro. Then may 20th is transfers! Time is flying so fast! I love you all so much!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Shaking an apostles hand!

Don't worry about me one bit! Im doing so good out here. I'm loving and cherishing every minute!  
This past Saturday Elder Russell M. Nelson came and talked to our mission! I got to shake his hand! :) It was great!  The spirit was so strong when he walked in the room. I've never felt so full of the spirit in my life! Also Elder Garns and Elder Bowman of the 70 were also there. We are so lucky to have Prophets and Apostles on the earth today! I hope that you all have looked over the conference talks and if you did, feel free to print them out and send me some talks! I love reading talks! :) I love you so much! Im getting bad at emailing and putting a lot of effort into it! Sorry. We are going to play some golf right now! :) I love P-Day! Heres a picture from doing service of cutting down a tree and from Easter dinner!

Monday, April 14, 2014

New Area...Atascadero

The new area is great! Just a lot different from Santa Barbara! The members here are very slow paced and relaxed! They are Republicans and love guns and AMERICA!!!! woooohoooo :) IM BACK HOME!!! Atascadero is 3 hours north of Santa Barbara. Near Pismo beach. Its an old school ranch town. There are deer everywhere and a bunch of tobacco spittin rednecks! :) LOVE IT! I've been sick the last 2 days and had to get some prescription meds! I'm excited for the care package! I love pictures! Hunting, fishing, sand dunes, lake trips and of course family pictures! :) Some candy is always good too! 
I'm so thankful for this experience that I have to be serving the Lord! Dad, Your example has been so great! I love my family so much! Being away really has made me realize that! Just like you said, We always have the opportunity to grow in the gospel and I'm so grateful for that.
Since I've been out here, if there's one thing that I have learned, it is how much love our Father in Heaven really has for his children! I Hope and pray for all of you every night that your lives will be full of joy and peace. I pray that you all are coming together as a family at least once a week for studies. Pray together, help each other, love each other and also enjoy the differences in those around you. I love you all so much! :) Keep up the great work! 

Alma 7:11-17

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Conference Was So Good!

Im getting transferred up to Atascadero, Its up at the top of our mission! Im so excited! :) My companion will be Elder Thornell. I will meet him tomorrow and i have a lot of packing and people to visit before I leave! Conference was so good! I loved every talk so much! I promise I'll write more next week once I get in my new area and stuff settles down! This area is great and you would enjoy this area so much riding through on a bike. But!... You might want to wait till I get home! ;) I'll take you on a tour and we can visit the families here! Love you all so much! Im doing very well just super busy! Kinda like Elder Bednars talk about the Truck and firewood. You have to have weight for traction! Im in 4 low climbing up the hill right now! :) LOVE ELDER REYNOLDS



Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Nothing can break my faith!

Sorry I havent kept you posted lately! I feel like everything that starts to happen falls through and dont like talking much about it! It still kinda makes me frustrated! One of our investigators was getting baptized this sunday and at the last minute he decided he wasnt ready! So he is pushed back now and transfers are next week!

Dont worry about me though! Nothing can break my faith! Love you so much!  

Remember it's Conference this weekend:

“In a few days there opens another general conference of the Church. The servants of the Lord will counsel us. You may listen with anxious ears and hearts, or you may turn that counsel aside…What you shall gain will depend not so much upon their preparation of the messages as upon your preparation for them.”

(Elder Boyd K. Packer, BYU Speeches of the Year [Mar. 23, 1965], 10)

General conference is intended to be a revelatory experience as participants learn from living prophets and apostles through the power and influence of the Holy Ghost. Proper preparation will help ensure that you get the most out of your conference experience.

“Consider the following ideas in your preparation [for general conference]:

1. Plan and set aside personal time to listen to and study the conference addresses. This may require that you remove yourself from distractions or interruptions. Make the environment in which you view, listen to, or study the conference addresses acceptable to the Holy Ghost.

2. Pray in faith that you will receive messages of significance in your own life. Pray for the Church leaders as they prepare and deliver their addresses.

3. Before listening to or studying the conference addresses, list personal questions or concerns for which you are seeking answers. By taking a spiritual inventory you may notice aspects of your life where you want to improve. In a journal or notebook, record the answers and impressions you receive during the conference.

4. After listening to or studying the conference addresses, recommit to improve your life in those areas that impressed you.”

(Teachings of the Living Prophets Student Manual, [2010], 70–83)

“There are messages in each general conference given as a gift and a blessing from heaven specifically for our personal life situations.

“What a marvelous privilege it is to hear God’s messages for each of us during general conference! Let us prepare well for this great blessing of divine guidance delivered by His chosen servants.”

(President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Liahona, September 2011)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

We can be healed by the loving power of the atonement!

(Ryan is speaking about a friend that Doug ran into)

He knows who I was and I'd love to show him and remind him of the blessings that come into our lives and our families as we are obedient to Gods commandments. 

    Which is a great topic to write about today because I will be giving a talk this Thursday in our District meeting on the role the Atonement plays in our life.

        People always refer to the Gospel Of Jesus Christ as the "Good News" Well the "Good News" for us is that Jesus Christ has paid the price for all!

       " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."  The Atonement of Christ, which makes that return to the Father possible, is rightfully seen as the central fact, the crucial foundation, and the chief doctrine of the great and eternal plan of salvation- " our Heavenly Fathers plan," and that is what we are called to teach while we are out here! 

      This life is hard, and at times can be a little overbearing. That is because salvation does not come cheap. Think of Jesus Christ coming forward in the night, kneeling down, falling on his face, bleeding from every pore, and crying.... Abba, Father, papa, If this cup can pass, let it pass. Then little wonder that salvation is not a easy for us. If you ever wonder if there isnt an easier way, you should remember you are not the first one to ask that. Someone a lot greater and a lot grander asked a long time ago if there wasn't an easier way.

       I know that he came from God as a God to bind up the brokenhearted, to dry the tears from every eye, to proclaim liberty to the captive and open the prison doors to them that are bound. I know that as we turn to our Father in Heaven in our times of need and remember the price that our elder brother Jesus Christ already paid, we can be healed by the loving power of the atonement.

       I love you all so much! Everyone back home you have all played such a huge part in my life and where I am today. I hope you all remember the purpose of our life here on earth and how short a time we have here. I cant wait until the day I stand at the Judgement bar before God after this life! I know that I will have tried my hardest to become the best I could be. If you all are worried or have that sick feeling in your stomach I would encourage you to change now. Dont procrastinate the day of your repentance!

Love Elder Reynolds

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Amazing day at church!

So yesterday was an amazing day at church! We had 2 Investigators there, they both have baptism dates for the 29th of this month! My companion, Elder Davis is great! We are loving this area and the people are so great! Its hard giving you updates every week because sometimes its not very exciting! I'm loving the work though and its been a blast! Love you guys! Have a great week! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

If the foundation of faith isn't embedded in our hearts, the power to endure would crumble. ~ President Henry B. Erying

I, Marianne, have failed to update this blog in a timely manner. I apologize.
Mr. Jansen was a teacher at Prescott High School, and he passed away suddenly.

OH man, Mr Jansen was my senior year English teacher! He was amazing man and helped me so much through my senior year! Hes sitting in the spirit world learning so much that he never knew! what a great thing! 

I got a new companion his name is Elder Davis. He's from Utah.  He's great. He's a handful but I love him to death! We had 3 days of solid rain also so we were wet alot this week! 

I hope all of you are doing great back home! I love you all so much and I'm so thankful for the love our Heavenly Father has for us. To think of the patience he has with us as we make mistakes everyday of our lives, but with the atonement we can be forgiven and change. I'm grateful for all my short comings and my faults. I know that all of the little problems we have can be cured and are there to strengthen us for the really hard times in life. I love the mormon message from president Erying about faith. He says. " If the foundation of faith isn't embedded in our hearts, the power to endure would crumble". I'm thankful for the spirit and the comfort it brings to our lives. 

      I love you all so much! Thank you for all you do!
Andrea sent these party hats and noise makers. Proof that we used them! 
Elder Davis and I on P Day