Monday, February 24, 2014

Believe and Act

Tomorrow is transfers! Im staying here in the Mesa Vista Ward in Santa Barbra and elder fidler is going to Oxnard 3 ward! Im getting a new companion and his name is Elder Davis! Im super excited. Im so blessed to have this opportunity to be here serving with such amazing people! We have a new Baptism coming up! His name is Victor. His wife is a less active member and we met her when her car was broke down with the hood up so I used that as a way to talk to her! We fixed the car and at the end she told us she was already a member but she hasnt come to church in years! Then she said she would like us to come talk to Victor the next night! So we came back and there he was, waiting for the lesson to start! We taught him the Restoration and he was amazed at how it all just made sense! He accepted to be Baptized so we are working towards that date! Then after a year they will be able to be sealed for time and all eternity in the temple! Im so excited for that family! 

     This sunday was ward confrence! Its always a sunday that stands out to me! I also got to say the closing prayer in Sacrament meeting!  

       There's a scripture that I love. Its DC 84:88. How comforting is that promise that we have. He is on our left and on our right, his spirit in our hearts and angels round bout us to bare us up! Till next monday! I love you!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Keep Fighting the Good Fight!

Hope everyone is doing great!!! :) This is week 6 here in the Mesa Vista ward, that means transfers are next Monday!!! :) I get super excited when transfers come around. It gives us the extra boost in our area to make it prime for new elders or sisters if we get transferred out. I love this area and wouldn't mind staying here forever ;) but I know that's not the plan so I am excited to see what next Monday brings! We went to the LA temple on Friday the 14th! It was another great and spiritual time! I'm so thankful to be serving here in this beautiful state! We found a new investigator last Wednesday, his name is Victor. His wife is a less active member who wants to come back to church. He wants to learn more and also come to church to support his wife! He's amazing and I can already see an Eternal family forming! The work will be very busy this week! Not that we sit around all the other time, but the last week in the area is always the crazy one! We have been spending alot of time knocking doors and its paying off! :) I hope everyone is well back home. I keep you all in my prayers and am so grateful for the loving and supportive family and friends back home. 
                              Keep Fighting The Good Fight! 
                                             Love Elder Reynolds  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I know this Gospel is true!

Well im not really sure how to start this weeks letter! Besides I know that this Gospel is true. I know that our Heavenly Father loves us more than we can understand. I also know that the verse in Ether 12:6 is so true. I know that we receive no witness until after the trial of our faith. Then going back to another scripture in Mosiah 16: 8-9 "But there is a resurrection therefore the grave hath no victory and the sting of death is swallowed up in christ. He is the light and the life of the world. Yea, a light that is endless. That can never be darkened. Yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death." I know that our grandpa " pop" is in the spirit world. A place that we go to learn and teach the things we already know. I know without a doubt in my mind that he is at peace. Also that he is learning and going to accept what he will learn. The work here in the Mesa Vista Ward is going great. Our 1 investigator that had a baptism date has since dropped us. He is an amazing man and I know he will come back. Since this week we havent had anyone to teach, we have been doing a lot of knocking on doors, and I'll just say… it's humbling. :) 

I love all of you so much. Please keep in mind the plan of salvation. The knowledge of where we came from and where we are going. Things are going great here and I wouldnt have it any other way! I keep you all in my prayers. I love you all so much!  

Ryan also shared this by (Richard L. Evans, New Era, December 1971)

“Whether slowly or quickly, what comes from the tongue ought to be thought through before being let loose. ‘Be careful of your thoughts,’ said one observer. ‘They may break into words at any time.’ People often hurt both themselves and others with unwise words, and then they say they didn’t think what they were saying, or didn’t mean what they said. But as someone has expressed it: ‘The person who says just what he thinks should think.’ The processes of thought are difficult to follow or define, but speaking or acting before we have taken time to think, often gets us into trouble. Words are among our greatest tools and among our most dangerous weapons. We can endear ourselves to others or destroy friendship; we can encourage and comfort, or cause heartaches and do cruel damage—with words. It would be terrible not to be able to communicate. But it is also terrible to talk without discretion, without truth or kindness or consideration. It would be terrible if all our talk were negative, sarcastic, critical. But when we encourage others, when we teach truth, when we bring comfort, when we help men to be better, words are wonderful. We are in a sense as much responsible for what we do to others with our words as we could be with weapons. In a sense, you can hit a man with words—‘words as hard as cannon balls’ as Emerson said it. In any case, words somehow come from our thoughts, and saying that we didn’t think doesn’t help much after the damage is done. Falsehoods spread, rumors fly, hearts are hurt, all with unwise words. ‘The person who says just what he thinks, should think.’ ‘Be careful of your thoughts. They may break into words at any time.’”

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Happy Birthday!!

Birthday Dinner - The family sent us this photo!
Elder Fidler and I are doing great! The work here in the Santa Barbra area is really moving forward! We have spent many days hitting the streets hard! Haha! We have been so blessed because of our work! We have a investigator with a Baptism date for february 15th! His name is Anthony and he has worked so hard to be able to meet this baptism date! He is also getting married at the Santa Barbra church building this coming saturday! His soon to be wife is a member of the church and she has two amazing little boys that mean everything to Anthony. He is so excited to be the priesthood holder in his home! Ill make sure to send pictures of the wedding and baptism! 

                       I love you all so much! Family and Friends! Yesterday was fast and testimony meeting! I love having the opportunity to share what i know about the gospel. I love comparing our lives and how we build it to building a house. Just like in Helamen 5:12. If we build our foundation in christ we can not fall. The foundation is everything. with a building or our families. I Promise all of  you that read this. If you make Jesus Christ the center of your lives and in your homes, you will see the many blessings that the lord is waiting to give you! I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ blesses our families and makes us better people so that we can all return to live with him after this life! 

                          I hope this finds you well! 
                                 Love Elder Reynolds

This is a letter from the man baptized in the post below. Such a wonderful testimony!!

Elder Fidler!!!

So nice to hear from you!

Sunday was AMAZING!, the power I felt was beyond words. How I feel now is beyond words. I can't even express it, except that I can feel the Holy Ghost is with me.

Amanda and I are reading the BOM together every night, and it's a real blessing to sit there as we each take turns reading chapters. We sometimes talk about a passage, or just make a comment on how cool it is. I have a fire burning inside of me like never before. I was nothing more than to serve HIM, and to be more like HIM.

I love each of you for what you have done for me. All of you have answered my questions, with a sincere heart, and I can't thank you all enough.

Please send my love to Elder Reynolds, and Elder Sebaske.

Take care of yourself, and we hope we can see you guys some time soon.
