Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The gospel changes people

“Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends, and pour out peace. Whoever will lose his life in the service of God will find eternal life.”

Hello everyone! 

         I hope all of you had just as good of a week as i did! This past saturday we got to be at David's baptism. It was a amazing to see the difference in him. He was my first investigator in Santa Barbra. He went from coming to the door the first night we showed up with a Beer and a Guitar in his hands. He now 1 month later has entered into the water of baptism. He has entered through the gate to eternal happiness. To see the change in him and the love and respect he has for his wife is amazing. They are already planning there Temple marriage for this time next year, to be sealed together for time and all eternity! What a amazing opportunity it has been to really see the gospel of Jesus Christ change peoples lifes for the better. I love this brother and sister with all my heart. His conversion will always be remember! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 20, 2013

This has been the most interesting week so far! In the best way possible! :) So last week was transfers and elder fidler and i were both transferred to the Mesa Vista ward. Its still here in Santa Barbra and we live in our same apartment. We basically just cover the other side of the road down to the coast! The Ward members are great and they are feeding us VERY well! Im so happy to be serving in this wonderful area! We will still be able to go to David's baptism because we have a new investigator that wants to see what baptisms are like!!!!! :) sooo happy! Its truly a amazing experience being able to witness first hand, a change in the way people live there lives. David will always hold a special place in my heart!  

          So yesterday was Stake conference.  Where all the wards in the Santa Barbra Stake come together. Our stake conference was broadcasted from Salt Lake. It was a very special conference to be at! President Henry B. Eyring gave a very special talk on the importance of building Eternal Families! All of you who are members of the church understand the importance of our families here on earth.  We are able to be sealed by proper Priesthood authority in a dedicated house of the lord. The biggest thing is, is that everyone under that covenant or "promise" that we make to the lord can only be fulfilled as we are obeying the commandments and striving to live more christ like lives! 

           Brothers/Sisters/Moms/Dad/ Friends and everyone i know and dont know back home. 

               Everyone ask yourself this question. " What am i doing NOW, to help influence those around me for good?" 

              I Love you all so much! With all my heart, i want to tell you that this life is short. that if we want true happiness try to turn towards our Heavenly Father For help. He knows what we need. 
     I know that our heavenly father hears our prayers. He is there to help guide us. He knows each and everyone of us. I know that the church that Jesus Christ established on the earth when he was here, has been restored in our day to help guide and bless our families. I know that as we live and raise our children in gospel centered homes they will grow up to be meaningful and respectable people. 

 I love you all so much! till next week!

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2014

:) Hope your all doing well!!!! Love you guys like crazy! Tomorrow is transfers and us 3 elders are being takin out of our ward. elder fidler and i " the red head" will be serving in the mesa vista ward! which is kinda sad. Its in Santa barbra but it only covers the beach area!!!!!!!! :) hahah our investigator Tim is still working on his word of wisdom problems but David calls himself a dry mormon. hes getting baptized on the 25th! stinks we wont be able to be there for that. but oh well! the lord knows what he is doing! 

      I hope all of you are striving to make it a habit of reading scriptures every night! I love you all so much! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

Hey! Hope everyone is well back home! We had a great week!!! 2 investigators have baptism dates! Tim is getting baptized on the 18th of this month and David on the 25th! 

 God lives, he listens to our prayers and helps us through the rough times if we humble ourselves before him. The work here in Santa Barbra is going forward. Im so thankful to be here! I honestly wouldnt rather be anywhere else. 

 This weekend i got to go on a exchange with our zone leader. I got to serve all weekend in the YSA ward at UCSB. I felt like i was back home teaching my friends. Guys and Girls my own age. Going through all the same things iv been through. 

 I love you all so much. I wish i had more time to talk. :) kinda.... Im having a great time. You all are in my prayers several times a day.