Monday, April 28, 2014

Eternal Families

Hey family! Hope all is well back home! Elder Stevens is now down in Glendale! I stay in touch with him!  This week has been great! We have 2 baptisms on the 10th of May! Two girls 12 and 14 in a less active family! They are coming back to church and getting the children baptized now! Im so happy for them and the blessings that will come to there family! I will be on an exchange with another elder tomorrow and again with another on Thursday. On may 7th we have president interviews with President Castro. Then may 20th is transfers! Time is flying so fast! I love you all so much!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Shaking an apostles hand!

Don't worry about me one bit! Im doing so good out here. I'm loving and cherishing every minute!  
This past Saturday Elder Russell M. Nelson came and talked to our mission! I got to shake his hand! :) It was great!  The spirit was so strong when he walked in the room. I've never felt so full of the spirit in my life! Also Elder Garns and Elder Bowman of the 70 were also there. We are so lucky to have Prophets and Apostles on the earth today! I hope that you all have looked over the conference talks and if you did, feel free to print them out and send me some talks! I love reading talks! :) I love you so much! Im getting bad at emailing and putting a lot of effort into it! Sorry. We are going to play some golf right now! :) I love P-Day! Heres a picture from doing service of cutting down a tree and from Easter dinner!

Monday, April 14, 2014

New Area...Atascadero

The new area is great! Just a lot different from Santa Barbara! The members here are very slow paced and relaxed! They are Republicans and love guns and AMERICA!!!! woooohoooo :) IM BACK HOME!!! Atascadero is 3 hours north of Santa Barbara. Near Pismo beach. Its an old school ranch town. There are deer everywhere and a bunch of tobacco spittin rednecks! :) LOVE IT! I've been sick the last 2 days and had to get some prescription meds! I'm excited for the care package! I love pictures! Hunting, fishing, sand dunes, lake trips and of course family pictures! :) Some candy is always good too! 
I'm so thankful for this experience that I have to be serving the Lord! Dad, Your example has been so great! I love my family so much! Being away really has made me realize that! Just like you said, We always have the opportunity to grow in the gospel and I'm so grateful for that.
Since I've been out here, if there's one thing that I have learned, it is how much love our Father in Heaven really has for his children! I Hope and pray for all of you every night that your lives will be full of joy and peace. I pray that you all are coming together as a family at least once a week for studies. Pray together, help each other, love each other and also enjoy the differences in those around you. I love you all so much! :) Keep up the great work! 

Alma 7:11-17

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Conference Was So Good!

Im getting transferred up to Atascadero, Its up at the top of our mission! Im so excited! :) My companion will be Elder Thornell. I will meet him tomorrow and i have a lot of packing and people to visit before I leave! Conference was so good! I loved every talk so much! I promise I'll write more next week once I get in my new area and stuff settles down! This area is great and you would enjoy this area so much riding through on a bike. But!... You might want to wait till I get home! ;) I'll take you on a tour and we can visit the families here! Love you all so much! Im doing very well just super busy! Kinda like Elder Bednars talk about the Truck and firewood. You have to have weight for traction! Im in 4 low climbing up the hill right now! :) LOVE ELDER REYNOLDS



Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Nothing can break my faith!

Sorry I havent kept you posted lately! I feel like everything that starts to happen falls through and dont like talking much about it! It still kinda makes me frustrated! One of our investigators was getting baptized this sunday and at the last minute he decided he wasnt ready! So he is pushed back now and transfers are next week!

Dont worry about me though! Nothing can break my faith! Love you so much!  

Remember it's Conference this weekend:

“In a few days there opens another general conference of the Church. The servants of the Lord will counsel us. You may listen with anxious ears and hearts, or you may turn that counsel aside…What you shall gain will depend not so much upon their preparation of the messages as upon your preparation for them.”

(Elder Boyd K. Packer, BYU Speeches of the Year [Mar. 23, 1965], 10)

General conference is intended to be a revelatory experience as participants learn from living prophets and apostles through the power and influence of the Holy Ghost. Proper preparation will help ensure that you get the most out of your conference experience.

“Consider the following ideas in your preparation [for general conference]:

1. Plan and set aside personal time to listen to and study the conference addresses. This may require that you remove yourself from distractions or interruptions. Make the environment in which you view, listen to, or study the conference addresses acceptable to the Holy Ghost.

2. Pray in faith that you will receive messages of significance in your own life. Pray for the Church leaders as they prepare and deliver their addresses.

3. Before listening to or studying the conference addresses, list personal questions or concerns for which you are seeking answers. By taking a spiritual inventory you may notice aspects of your life where you want to improve. In a journal or notebook, record the answers and impressions you receive during the conference.

4. After listening to or studying the conference addresses, recommit to improve your life in those areas that impressed you.”

(Teachings of the Living Prophets Student Manual, [2010], 70–83)

“There are messages in each general conference given as a gift and a blessing from heaven specifically for our personal life situations.

“What a marvelous privilege it is to hear God’s messages for each of us during general conference! Let us prepare well for this great blessing of divine guidance delivered by His chosen servants.”

(President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Liahona, September 2011)